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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院福建物质结构研究所(福州市闽侯上街高新区海西园,中国科学院海西研究院);中国化学会

人气 19896

结构化学 2005年第12期杂志 文档列表

Synthesis, Structure and Characterization of Bis(ethylene-1,2-dithiolate)(μ2-di-2-pyridyl-ketone p-phenyldiamine-N,N')-tin(Ⅳ) Dichloromethane第1355-1358页
关键词: 锡;  乙烯;  吡啶;  酮;  单斜晶系;  
Crystal Structure of Norfloxacin Methanol Solvate: C16H18FN3O3·CH3OH·H2O第1359-1362页
关键词: 甲醇;  溶剂物;  晶体结构;  tga分析;  x光线衍射;  
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Luminescence Property of [Ag2(dppm)2(NMP)2](SbF6)2·4H2O·3CH2Cl2第1363-1368页
关键词: 银;  发光性能;  合成方法;  晶体结构;  
Study of Surface Cell Madelung Constant and Surface Free Energy of Nanosized Crystal Grain第1369-1374页
关键词: 晶体化学;  表面自由能量;  晶体结构;  多晶型;  
Synthesis, Structure and DFT Investigation into a Copper(Ⅱ) Compound Consisting of 4,7- dlphenyl- 1,10- phentheanthrollne第1375-1380页
关键词: 铜;  复合物;  合成方法;  结构表征;  dft计算;  
Correlation between Chromatograph Capacity Factors and Structural Parameters of Indole Derivatives第1381-1386页
关键词: 吲哚;  衍生物;  结构参数;  合成方法;  
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Ladder-like Organotin Complex:μ-pentaoxygen bridged penta(bis-benzyltin) bis-salicylate第1387-1392页
关键词: 有机锡;  晶体结构;  合成方法;  生物活性;  
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-2-cyano-3-amino-3a-hydroxy-3a,3b ,6, 7-te trah y drobenzo[ 4,5]indene第1393-1396页
关键词: 低价钛;  合成方法;  晶体结构;  x光线分析;  
The Effect of Boron on the Properties of Glucomannan: An Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study第1397-1402页
关键词: 硼;  葡甘露聚糖;  nmr;  核磁共振分析;  分子动力学;  
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 3-( 2- Hydroxybenzly )-4-( 4- Hydro xybenzylideneamino )-(1H) - 1,2,4- Triazole-5-Thione and Its Antibacterial Activities第1403-1407页
关键词: 三唑;  抗菌活性;  晶体结构;  合成方法;  x光线衍射;  
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 8-methyl-5-phenyl-4-thia-6-aza-spiro [2.5] oct-5-en-7-ol第1408-1410页
关键词: 环丙烷;  衍生物;  合成方法;  晶体结构;  
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Isophthalate-bridged Copper(Ⅱ) Polymer with Two-dimensional Network Structure: [Cu2(phen)(ipt)e]en.nH2O(ipt = isophthalate, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline)第1411-1415页
关键词: 铜;  热液合成;  晶体结构;  聚合物;  二维网络结构;  
Theoretical Chemistry Study of the Hydrogen-bonded Interaction between Acylamine and Chloromethane Compounds第1416-1424页
关键词: 氯甲化合物;  理论化学;  分子结构;  化学反应;  
Some Strategies for the Refinement of Disordered Structures with the SHELXL-97 Refinement Program第1425-1439页
关键词: 抑制剂;  晶体结构;  结构参数;  氢原子;  
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [La(BTC)(H2O)6]n第1440-1444页
关键词: 镧;  热液反应;  带状物;  合成方法;  晶体结构;